Sohrab and Rustum by Matthew A
... from camp into the plain.
And on the other side the Persians form'd;--
First a light cloud of horse, Tartars they seem'd,
The Ilyats of Khorassan, and behind,
The royal troops of Persia, horse and foot,
Marshall'd battalions bright in burnish'd steel.
But Peran-Wisa with his herald came,
Threading the Tartar squadrons to the front,
And with ...
Emily Bronte 1818-1848
... like a vision vain,
An unreal mockery!

"The birds that now so blithely sing,
Through deserts, frozen dry,
Poor spectres of the perished spring,
In famished troops will fly.

"And why should we be glad at all?
The leaf is hardly green,
Before a token of its fall
Is on the surface seen!"

Now, whether it were reall...
Mi történt a szülinapomon ?
... Indiát
[2004.05.21. 03:09] Ezen a napon
A britek India történelmében gyakorlatilag az egyetlen olyan leigázó hatalom voltak, amely nem olvadt be Indiába - tovább
Indians wept when Our troops left - tovább

[26]1952. február 28.
Megszületett Bauer Sándor, a Kádár-korszak vértanúja
[2004.09.13. 12:06] Ezen a napon
Az általános iskola befejez...
Ez történt - Március 1. -én
... another kingdom.

Mohammed demanded that the Jewish tribe contribute ‘blood money' for two people that were killed by his own (Muslim) troops, the Banu Nadir refused. Consequently Mohammed accused them of plotting against him and besieged them. After 14 days when no promised help arrived, they surrendered to the Moslem army. The...
Ez történt - Március 5. -én
... hidden weapons they occupied the moshav and arrested the settlers. On March 14, thousands of young people went up and started building Biriya Bet (Biriya II) but were driven off by British troops. The following night they returned with tents, eventually forcing the British to free the prisoners and withdraw from the kibbutz (June 7). Eventually the kibbutz was turned into a moshav...
Ez történt - Március 13. -án
... March 13, HITLER ENTERED AUSTRIA (the Anschluss)
To the greetings of the Church and Cardinal Innitzer. All Catholic Churches flew the Nazi flag and rang bells in honor of Hitler's troops. Dr. Arthur Seys-Inquert, who later achieved infamy as a mass murderer of Jews, was appointed chancellor. Austria was annexed to Germany and with it the Austrian Jews.

1843. már...
Ez történt - Április 9.-én
... Arab commander of the Palestinian irregular army, was killed in the attack on the Castel fortress, part of Operation Nachshon, outside Jerusalem. His death dealt a demoralizing blow to Arab troops.

1948. április 9. A Menahem Begin (későbbi izraeli miniszterelnök) által vezetett Irgun-különítmény lemészárolja Deir Jaszin palesztin település valamennyi lakóját: 254 férfi...
Ez történt - Április 10.-én
Declared its independence from Yugoslavia. Ante Pavelic, head of the Ustache party, initiated anti-Jewish measures within a few weeks, and held wealthy Jews for ransom. His troops, together with a Bosnian Muslim division, took part in the destruction of synagogues and cemeteries. The Muslim division was personally blessed by Haj Amin al-Husseini, the former mufti of...
Ez történt - Április 13.-án
... "illegal immigration" until June 1938, bringing in over 550 people, most of whom were young.

1941 April 13, BELGRADE (Serbia, Yugoslavia)
The day after the arrival of German troops, the Volksdeutsche (local Germans) joined the Germans and destroyed much of the Jewish property in the city.

1942 April 13, SERGEANT ANTON SCHMID (Lithuania)
Ez történt - Április 19.-én
... hundred members. Despite pleas to the Polish underground to join, there was no help forthcoming from them. General Juergen Stroop attacked with an initial force of around 5,000 heavily armed troops, yet it took him weeks, even with tanks, artillery and air support, to crush the uprising.

2002. április 19. "Habár jobban értékeljük a nyugat-európai demokrácia fél évszáza...
Ez történt - Április 28.-án
... over a 223 pogroms occurred in Russia over the next two years. Ignatyev, the Minister of the Interior, insisted that the Jews caused the pogroms. General Drenbien refused to endanger his troops "for a few Jews".

1930. április 28. A segélyezések körüli visszaélések miatt kitiltják Magyarországról a jobbára csak ,,Róbert bácsiként" emlegetett Feinschilbert Rób...
Ez történt - Május 1.-én
... including many lawyers and professional soldiers. There were even doctors and an opera singer. Each of the four main groups were assigned a different sector from north to south moving with the troops east. "A" moved into the northern sector and the Baltic states, "B" went through Bialystok and Vitbesk toward Moscow. "C" through Zhitomir, Kiev, and Krakow and "D" moved into the sou...
Ez történt - Május 3.-án
... (feudalist) regime with the nobles rights remaining as they were. It was too little too late. Polish noblemen, who opposed the new constitution, invited Czarina Catherine II to send Russian troops which resulted in the second partition and the canceling of the constitution.

1916. május 3. Az angolok tárgyalás megtartása nélkül kivégzik Padraig Pearse (36) ír költőt, a ...
Újfajta hadviselésre készülnek
... lázongások leverése, a vendégmunkások táboraiban fellépő elégedetlenség elfojtása, írja a New York Times.

A külföldi zsoldosoknak kellene szembeszállniuk egy esetleges iráni agresszióval is, mert az Egyesült Arab Emírségek uralkodói a saját, kis létszámú haderejüket ...
Ez történt - Május 16.-án
... the plot was discovered in time, the Marranos were attacked anyway by an organized mob. Men, woman and children were murdered.

1527 May 16, ROME WAS SACKED (Italy)
By troops of Charles V in his fight against the League of Cognac which consisted of France, England, Pope Clement VII, Venice, and Florence. Although Jews suffered with the rest of the population, the...
A weben talált játékok listája
... MB
3D 41.67 MB
25 to life 289.33 MB
Airborne 628.51 MB
Amorous Professor 722.97 MB
Ez történt - Május 26.-án
... (1927) which reflected his own life. He was also the first entertainer to perform overseas for the USO (United Service Organization). He died soon after returning from performing for the troops in Korea. His two signature songs were Swanee and My Mammy.

2011. 05. 26. Elfogják a tömeggyilkos mészárost. A nemzeti hőst. A bűnöző főparancsnokot.
Ez történt - Június 22.-én
... élete végéig az egyház foglya maradt. (Vö. 1616. február 25.; 1979. november 10.; 1983. május 11.)

1689 June 22, PRAGUE (Bohemia)
The Jewish quarter was destroyed by French troops who shelled the area. In one synagogue the roof caved in, killing the 100 people who had sought refuge there. Most of the population was taken in by their Christian neighbors until new s...
Ez történt - Június 28.-án
... 1940. február 9.; 1941. június 14.; 1941. augusztus 28.; 1948. február 21.; 1948. május 22.; 1949. január 12.)

1941 June 28, JASSY MASSACRE (Romania)
Romanian and German troops murdered thousands of Jews and deported the rest with the active participation of local residents. It is estimated that there were 12,000 victims. Jassy had been considered the capital of ...
Ez történt - Július 3.-án
Július 3.

1187 July 3, GUY DE LUSIGNAN (King of Jerusalem) (Eretz Israel)
Against the advice of Raymond III of Tripoli and others, he force-marched his troops through the dry, hot Galilee. He was defeated by the Moslems near the Sea of Galilee (the Kinneret) at a site known as the Horns of Hittim.

1475 July 3, MESHULLAM CUSI (Italy)
Established t...
1 2 3 4 ...16 17 ..25 26 ..32 33 34 
Címkék: Matthew, Emily Bronte, Megszületett Bauer Sándor, BANU NADIR EXPELLED, Banu Nadir, Consequently Mohammed, Biriya Bet, Biriya II, HITLER ENTERED AUSTRIA, Cardinal Innitzer, Catholic Churches, Arthur Seys-Inquert, Austrian Jews, Operation Nachshon, Menahem Begin, Deir Jaszin, Ante Pavelic, Bosnian Muslim, SERGEANT ANTON SCHMID, General Juergen Stroop, General Drenbien, Feinschilbert Rób, Czarina Catherine II, Padraig Pearse, York Times, Egyesült Arab Emírségek, ROME WAS SACKED, Charles, Pope Clement VII, Although Jews, Professor Cherry, United Service Organization, JASSY MASSACRE, Eretz Israel, Raymond III, MESHULLAM CUSI, weben talált, light cloud, vision vain, britek India, egyetlen olyan, általános iskola, mass murderer, demoralizing blow, nyugat-európai demokrácia, segélyezések körüli, jobbára csak, different sector, angolok tárgyalás, vendégmunkások táboraiban, külföldi zsoldosoknak, esetleges iráni, tömeggyilkos mészárost, nemzeti hőst, bűnöző főparancsnokot, egyház foglya, site known, magyarországról,
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