Ez történt - Január 1.-én
... Hungary)
An Italian, worked together with the Spanish ambassador, Angel Sanz Briz, to not only become a Spanish citizen but to even be "appointed" as his substitute after Briz was transferred to Germany. Under this guise, Perlasca used the "Rivera law" to give Spanish citizenship to all Sephardic Jews. In the 45 days until the entry of the Russian army, he managed to save 5...
Ez történt - Január 21.-én
... dead, 73 missing, presumed dead.

1940: The Russian 8th Army launches an attack against the Finnish forces of Group Talvela, without success. The Finnish 9th Division is transferred from Suomussalmi to Kuhmo.

1941: Communist newspaper, The Daily Worker is suppressed in Britain.

1941: The US informs the Soviet Union that the "moral embargo" impose...
Ez történt - Január 31.-én
... department and Ginger went back to her grandparents in Missouri. During this time her mother met John Rogers. After leaving the Marines they married in May, 1920 in Liberty, Missouri. He was transferred to Dallas and Ginger (who treated him as a father) went too. Ginger won a Charleston contest in 1925 (age 14) and a 4 week contract on the Interstate circuit. She also appeared in ...
Lelki Világunk (angol)
... risk of been here, we note that the site forms a smaller cube three-axis components of horizontal and vertical plane swiveled. Thus, a single page or macro stucturs components can be transferred to another tab page, among other macro structure. Fit into the other side mosaic tiles face.
The spiritual world can not be named among macrostructures order, as the frame side plates...
Ez történt - Február 13.-án
... 1943

1943 February 13, ROMANIA
Offered to "sell" 72,000 Jews and permit them to be transferred to Eretz Israel on ships flying a Vatican flag for a price of $130 a person. Although Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau brought this offer to the attention of the Presiden...
USSCo 'S.S. Monowai' Souvenir Napkin Ring

The Monowai started life in 1924 as the RAZMAK under the P& O LINES flag. In 1930 she was transferred to the Union Steamship Company and renamed MONOWAI. She served in WW2 as an Armed Merchant Cruiser and as an Landing...
Ez történt - Április 1.-én
... son at least until the age of 12.
2. Limiting the amount of charity one can order given away upon his death to a fifth.

Shapur II (309-379) forcibly transferred approximately 7000 Jews from outlying territories to the interior of Persia.

Jews had formed many warlike tribes. They were renowned, especially in Yathuolb (M...
Ez történt - Április 23.-án
... and Ginger went back to her grandparents in Missiouri. During this time her mother met John Rogers. After leaving the Marines they married in May, 1920 in Liberty, Missouri. He was transferred to Dallas and Ginger (who treated him as a father) went too. Ginger won a Charleston contest in 1925 (age 14) and a 4 week contract on the Interstate circuit. She also appeared in vaudeville...
Ez történt - Május 1.-én
... 1944

Was transferred to northeast Italy where they come into contact with Jewish survivors. With the end of the war the Brigade played an important part in illegal im...
Ez történt - Május 16.-án
1941: With a raid by 111 German aircraft on Birmingham, the Night Blitz campaign against England comes to an end. Most Luftwaffe bomber formations in France and Belgium are being transferred to airfields in eastern Germany and occupied Poland. The RAF launch a night raid on Cologne.

1941: The Afrika Korps counter-attack against the British and retake Sollum and C...
Ez történt - Június 1.-én
... given away upon his death to a fifth.

279 RAV AMI AND RAV ASSI (Eretz Israel)
Headed the academy of Tiberias at a time when the center of Torah authority was being transferred from Eretz Israel to Babylon. The Judean Amoraim subordinated themselves to their Babylonian colleagues.

351 June, A SERIES OF PERSECUTIONS (Eretz Israel)
And local violen...
Ez történt - Június 17.-én
... is now again under siege.

1942: Yank a weekly magazine for the U.S. armed services, begins publication.

1943: The British battleships Valiant and Warspite are transferred from Scapa Flow to Oran and Alexandria in North Africa in preparation for Operation Husky, the Allied invasion of Sicily.

Aircraft Products Ad - June 1944

Ez történt - Június 26.-án
... also receive the Knight's Cross. After the ceremony, Hitler and Eicke chat and Eicke tells the Fuhrer that his Division is pretty well worn out, short of vehicles and wishes it to be transferred to France. Instead, Hitler gives Eicke home leave.

1942: Italian aircraft strength is increased on Sicily by withdrawing aircraft from Libya. This allows the Italians to step u...
Ez történt - Július 1.-én
... installations (gas chambers). It was Bouhler's idea to disguise the gas chambers as showers as not to cause panic. The expertise gained , much of the personnel and equipment were later transferred to other camps for the "Final Solution".

1940 July, ARMEE J...
Obama vs. MT Keshe ultimátum vagy háború?
... States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person, including any foreign branch, of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in:

(i) the persons listed in the Annex to this order; and
(ii) any person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in con...
Ez történt - Július 26.-án
... Benito Mussolini. The Marshal immediately excludes all Fascists from his new cabinet and dissolves the Fascist Party.

1943: A number of Waffen SS divisions are ordered to be transferred from Russia to Italy, but only the 1st SS Panzer Division is actually redeployed.

Oldsmobile Ad - July 1943

Ez történt - Július 27.-én

1943: The liberation of Mussolini, the occupation of Rome and Italy, plus the capture of the Italian fleet is decided upon by the German High Command. Mussolini himself is transferred from Rome to the Islan...
Ez történt - Augusztus 3.-án
... responsible as Chief Justice for criminal and civil matters, including the appointment of judges, police and civil administrators.

Shapur II (309-379) forcibly transferred approximately 7000 Jews from outlying territories to the interior of Persia.

The earliest reference to Jews appeared in Liber Poeintentialis by Archbisho...
Ez történt - Augusztus 9.-én
... Bug, with 11th and 17th Armies.

1942 August 9, MIR REVOLT (Belarus)
Only 850 Jews were left in the town after the Nazis killed 1500 on November 9, 1941. They were transferred to the old Mirski fortress where many began to plan a revolt. Informed of an impending Aktion, two hundred young people decided to escape and join the partisans rather than try to fight the ...
Ez történt - Augusztus 10.-én
... Augusztus 10.

1712 KING AUGUSTUS II (Poland)
Reneging on his promise to stop further persecution of the Jews, he expelled them from Zausmer on a murder libel.

Alexander I, after an initial period of liberalism, reverted to the anti-Jewish position of his predecessors. He beg...
1 2 3 4 
Címkék: Lelki Világunk, Souvenir Napkin Ring, Angel Sanz Briz, Sephardic Jews, Group Talvela, Daily Worker, Soviet Union, John Rogers, Eretz Israel, Although Secretary, Treasury Henry Morgenthau, Union Steamship Company, Armed Merchant Cruiser, Shapur II, JEWISH BRIGADE, Night Blitz, Most Luftwaffe, Afrika Korps, Judean Amoraim, SERIES OF PERSECUTIONS, Scapa Flow, North Africa, Operation Husky, Aircraft Products Ad, Final Solution, ARMEE, United States, Benito Mussolini, Fascist Party, Waffen SS, Panzer Division, Oldsmobile Ad, German High Command, Chief Justice, Liber Poeintentialis, KING AUGUSTUS II, FOREIGN JEWS WERE PROHIBITED FROM SETTLING IN RUSSIA, Alexander, smaller cube, single page, night raid, time when, weekly magazine, murder libel, macrostructures, poeintentialis, administrators, approximately, installations, subordinated, persecutions, predecessors, grandparents, transferred, persecution, citizenship, withdrawing, territories, immediately, appointment, suomussalmi, preparation, battleships, responsible,
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