Ez történt - Március 20. -án
... German instructions. Father Pierre-Marie Benoit, persuaded him to help delay any deportation orders. Together they succeeded in preventing any mass deportations in the Nice area until the Germans took over in September.

1991. március 20. "Buchenwaldban nemcsak őrök voltak, akik halálra verték a rabokat, amikor csak nekik tetszett, hanem orvosok is, akik szörnyű kísérlet...
Ez történt - Március 25. -én
... Paul, Yugoslavia agreed to join forces with Germany. As soon as the capitulation became known, a bloodless coup led by General Bora Mirkovik and King Peter II took over the government. The Germans retaliated by a full scale invasion. The Germans had to postpone their invasion of Russia for the five weeks it took to subdue Yugoslavia thus forcing them to contend with the Russian wi...
Ez történt - Március 29. -én
The Commissariat of Jewish Affairs was established. Headed by Xavier Vallat, it became the main authority behind anti-Jewish measures. Surprisingly, when the Germans decided to force the Jews to wear the yellow star in the Vichy zone in June of 1942, he refused to agree to this measure believing it was against French interest and was replaced. ...
Ez történt - Április 1.-én
... and the representative for the War Refugee Board (WRB) in Turkey succeeded in convincing the Romanian ambassador to Turkey, Alexander Cretzianu, to move Jews from Transnistria, which the Germans still occupied, to Romania itself, thus saving 48,000 people.

1948 April 1, CZECHOSLOVAKIANS ARMS (Eretz Israel)
Loaded in a DC-4, made a successful landing at a small a...
Ez történt - Április 13.-án
... bringing in over 550 people, most of whom were young.

1941 April 13, BELGRADE (Serbia, Yugoslavia)
The day after the arrival of German troops, the Volksdeutsche (local Germans) joined the Germans and destroyed much of the Jewish property in the city.

1942 April 13, SERGEANT ANTON SCHMID (Lithuania)
Serving in the Wermacht was executed by the N...
Ez történt - Április 19.-én
... Belgium partisan movement were later caught and shot by the Nazis at the Breendonck camp in Belgium.

1943 April 19, WARSAW GHETTO UPRISING (Poland)
On Passover eve, the Germans executed the final phase of the liquidation of the ghetto. The Germans planned for it to take three days. The Jewish armed underground consisted of two main groups: the ZOB, headed by Mor...
Ez történt - Április 20.-án
... ZDZIECIOL GHETTO (Dyatlovo, Belarus)
Alter Dworetsky and all the members of the Judenrat were forced to flee after their activities on behalf of the partisans became known to the Germans. Dworetsky tried to organize an attack on the Germans in the city but the Russian partisans refused to join them and later killed him. Dworetsky's efforts paid off when 800 people succeeded...
Ez történt - Április 27.-én
... gas chamber.

1940 April 27, H. F. DOWNIE (England)
The British Head of the Middle East Department of the Colonial Office stated that "the Jews are enemies just as the Germans are, but in a more insidious way", and that "our two sets of enemies [Nazis and Jews] are linked together by secret and evil bonds." A year later (March 15, 1941), he wrote " one regret[s] t...
Ez történt - Május 5.-én
... Thatcher-kormány és a brit imperializmus számlájára irandó.

1985. május 5. ,,A németekre igazságtalanul erőltették rá a bűntudatot (A feeling of guilt was injustly forced upon the Germans)", jelenti ki Ronald Reagan amerikai elnök Bitburgban.

1993. május 5. Miután két héttel korábban, az ortodox húsvét első napján egy vallási fanatikussá vált egyk...
Ez történt - Május 7.-én
... he was painfully murdered. (see 1360).

1727. május 7. I. Katalin cárnő kiűzeti a zsidókat Ukrajnából.

1915 May 7, LUSITANIA
An American ship was sunk by the Germans. This act eventually brought America into World War I. Roughly 250,000 Jews served in the U.S. Armed Forces, with an estimated 3,500 dead, and 12,000 wounded.

1915. május 7. Az...
Ez történt - Május 8.-án
... moved to the USA where he died in 1987.

Commander of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising was killed in the main bunker at Mila 18. The Germans blocked up the exits and began to propel gas into the bunker which contained over 100 fighters. Many of them killed themselves. Anielewicz had united the various factions, published a news...
Ez történt - Május 14.-én
... Jewish refugees.

Just four days after the German invasion and one day after Queen Wilhelmina fled to London, the country surrendered to the Germans. Arthur Seyss-Inquart, an Austrian lawyer who had played an important role in the Anschluss, was appointed Reich commissioner. Almost all of Holland's Jews lived in three cities with 60...
Ez történt - Május 21.-én
... inaction. In order to deflect the harsh criticism, Prime Minister Ignace Paderewski invited President Wilson to send a commission of inquiry.

1942 May 21, KORETZ (Ukraine)
Germans and Ukrainians killed 2,200 people, including the wife and 13 year old daughter of Moshe Gildenman who was soon to become famous as the partisan "Uncle (Dyadya) Misha". Gildenman succe...
Ez történt - Május 24.-én
... főnyi legénységből csupán hárman élik túl a támadást.

1943 May 24, KING BORIS III (Bulgaria)
Ordered Sofia's Jews to resettle in the provinces as a step to appease the Germans. A demonstration against the order was held that day in front of the King's Palace. The principal cleric, the Metropolitan Stefan, took the chief rabbi into his house for protection.
Ez történt - Május 27.-én
... zárják (vö. 1945. június 18.).
Ez történt - Június 2.-án
... occupied eastern Thrace, Salonika and Crete. Italy occupied "old Greece" ,and Bulgaria annexed western Thrace, Macedonia and the Ionian islands. Salonika which had been occupied by the Germans on April 9th immediately began to institute anti-Jewish measures. The areas occupied by Italy did not institute any harsh measures until the Nazi occupation ( see Sept. 1943) The Bulgarians ...
Ez történt - Június 7.-én
... France. Many Jews marched down the streets of Paris wearing their war medals together with the star and were applauded by the crowds. Xavier Vallat, Commissariat of Jewish Affairs, told the Germans that he would not enforce the regulation and was replaced by Darquier de Pellepoix . A month later, Jews were banned from public places and only allowed one hour a day for shopping. ...
Mindszenty és a nyilasok - egy
Mindszenty és a nyilasok - egy mítosz nyomában

2011. 06. 16. csütörtök. - 20:18

Péterfi-Nagy László tollából egy történelmietlen, csúsztatásokkal teli és eufemizmusoktól hemzsegő cikk jelent meg a Magyar Hírlap honlapján. Az illetőnek - a cikkéből kiindulva - nincs mélyebb ismerete a két háború közötti általános magyarországi szélsőjobboldalról, a keresztény ...
Ez történt - Június 25.-én
... massacres to date. Known as the Bund Report, it gave detailed information according to date and location. The report estimated that 700,000 Jews had already been murdered and concluded that the Germans planned to "annihilate" all the Jews in Europe. The Boston Globe published the information the next day, making it the first American newspaper to carry the report.

Ez történt - Július 2.-án
... conditioned it by limiting it to "foreign-born Jews," further stating that he was also not concerned about their children. Within a month, 50,000 foreign-born Jews were handed over to the Germans for deportation. Laval was executed for treason on October 15, 1945 in France.

1943 July 2, ALOIS BRUNNER (France)
Described by Eichmann as "one of my best men", took o...
1 2 3 4 5 ..14 15 ..22 23 .28 29 30 
Címkék: Father Pierre-Marie Benoit, General Bora Mirkovik, King Peter II, Jewish Affairs, Xavier Vallat, Refugee Board, Alexander Cretzianu, CZECHOSLOVAKIANS ARMS, Eretz Israel, SERGEANT ANTON SCHMID, WARSAW GHETTO UPRISING, ZDZIECIOL GHETTO, Alter Dworetsky, British Head, Middle East Department, Colonial Office, Ronald Reagan, World War, Armed Forces, MORDECHAI ANIELEWICZ, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, NETHERLANDS FALLS, Arthur Seyss-Inquart, Prime Minister Ignace Paderewski, President Wilson, Moshe Gildenman, KING BORIS III, Ordered Sofia, Metropolitan Stefan, Many Jews, Péterfi-Nagy László, Magyar Hírlap, Bund Report, Boston Globe, ALOIS BRUNNER, bloodless coup, full scale, successful landing, more insidious, year later, brit imperializmus, németekre igazságtalanul, ortodox húsvét, vallási fanatikussá, zsidókat Ukrajnából, demonstration against, month later, mítosz nyomában, cikkéből kiindulva, czechoslovakians, csúsztatásokkal, eufemizmusoktól, történelmietlen, representative, igazságtalanul, imperializmus,
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