Ez történt - Április 19.-én
... sorkatonaság vetett véget. (Vö. 1848. április 17.; 1848. április 22.)

1903 April 19, KISHINEV (Bessarabia)
Riots broke out after a Christian child, Michael Ribalenko, was found murdered (Feb. 16). Although it was clear that the boy had been killed by a relative, the government chose to call it a ritual murder plot by the Jews. The mobs were incited by Pavolachi Kr...
Ez történt - Április 22.-én
Április 22.

702 DAHRA (Dahiya) AL KAHINA (Southeast Algeria)
Jewish "priestess". She led an alliance of Berber tribes which was defeated by Moslem forces. She was said to have lived 127 years and ruled with her 3 sons over the tribe of Jerava for 65 years.

C. 1200 RISE OF KABBALAH (Jewish Philosophical Mysticism)
As persecutions increased in the w...
Ez történt - Április 23.-án
... mother took him to court. Ginger's mother left her child in the care of her parents while she went in search of a job as a scriptwriter in Hollywood and later to New York City. Mrs. McMath found herself with an income good enough to where she could send for Ginger. Lelee became a Marine in 1918 and was in the publicity department and Ginger went back to her grandparents in Missiou...
Arany ékszereket "viselő" négyezer éves csontvázat találtak Windsor mellett
... tanyakomplexum és számos va...
Ez történt - Április 27.-én
... west of Start Point along the Channel Coast. The convoy is actually making a practice run ('Operation Tiger') for the planned invasion of Normandy on a stretch of coast very much like that found in the Normandy region of France. The 5th and 9th Schnellbootflottillers are directed to attack at night, which they do with the following boats: S100, S130, S138, S138, S140, S142, S143, ...
Mit szóltok a Bostoni tragédiához?
... people doubt the official version of 9/11, and 49% believe the U.S. government might have intentionally allowed the attacks to happen

A Zogby poll conducted in August 2007 found that 51% of Americans want Congress to probe Bush/Cheney regarding the 9/11 attacks, two-thirds (67%) of Americans say the 9/11 Commission should have investigated the collapse of World Trad...
Andy Warhol harminc évre elfeledett portréit állítják ki New Yorkban
... hatalmas napraforgóval pózol Warhol, annak idején nem publikálták. és egészen 2012-ig nem kerültek nyilvánosságra. A fotográfiákat május 2. és 12. között nézhetik meg az érdeklődők a Lost Then Found (Elveszett, majd megtalált) című tárlaton.
"A fotózás könnyed és ösztönös volt. Andy rám bízta, hogy úgy fotózzam, ahogy akarom, kihozva belőle a legjobbat" - emlékezett vissza W...
Ez történt - Április 28.-án
Received a fan letter from James Stewart on his way to combat duty for World War II (1943).

One day at the studio she hooked bumpers with another car. A studio policeman found her tugging and heaving with all her might. The policeman said, "Darndest thing I ever saw. First film star I ever knew that didn't mind getting her hands dirty".

Enjoyed workin...
Ez történt - Április 29.-én
1945 April 29, DACHAU (Germany)
The first of the S.S. concentration camps was captured by the US Army. They found 32,335 prisoners, many of whom died in the weeks that followed. The Americans later used it as a p...
Üzennek, és egyre furcsábban?
... meter. The 3 circles to the northeast, which are not member of the cross are slightly bigger. Total size of the complete formation is 27,50 meter x 45 meter.

During the research we found a dragonfly which was adust, probably during the process of laying this crop field. The crop lays anti clockwise and has a very nice pattern. There were no signs for manmade circles. No...
Ez történt - Május 6.-án
... times and defended his Jewishness with dignity. His many works include The Ego and the Id, The Interpretation of Dreams, The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, and Moses and Monotheism (on the foundation and characteristics of Judaism). His students included Jung, Adler, and Frenezi.

David Camden De Leon, known as "the Fighti...
... deeper indented

Thy weight less than the shadow

Yet hast thou gnawed through the mountain,

Scylla's white teeth less sharp.

Hast thou found a nest softer than cunnus

Or hast thou found better rest

Hast'ou a deeper planting, doth thy death year

Bring swifter shoot?

Hast thou entered m...
Ez történt - Május10.-én

1942: Kesselring declares that Malta has been neutralized. However, that same day the Axis air forces found themselves outnumbered for the first time in the sky over Malta, losing 12 aircraft in return for ...
Ez történt - Május 15.-én
... against Fighter Command airbases in the vicinity of Portsmouth by II, III, IV and V Luftflotten led to massive aerial battles over southern England and the channel. British Fighter Command was found to outnumber Luftwaffe fighter strength more than 2:1, but the RAF planes were of obsolete make - Gloster Gladiator's filling the compliment of most Fighter Squadrons. Germ...
Ez történt - Május 17.-én
... operational strength at this time was only 500 aircraft. However, it was believed that by enlisting RAF Coastal Command and the RAF's training squadron's, then the magical 1000 bombers could be found. Harris believed that the only way to get a commitment for strong bomber force, was to demonstrate what could be done with one. He planned to launch operation 'Millenium', before the ...
Senki ne legyen kivétel?
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A link ennyire tetszetős. (az senkit ne zavarjon, hogy teljesen véletlen volt és kizárólag a bugyuta reklám utólagos beugrása miatt születet...
Not Found
A pusztulás az úr a volt vidámparkban

Elkeserítő képet mutat az egykori Pécsi Vidámpark, a pusztulás, rothadás minden pontján tetten érhető, ma már talán hajléktalanok sem szívesen laknak az egykor szebb napokat látott park még úgy-ahogy álló ingatlan-romjaiban. l/p...
Ez történt - Május 24.-én
Május 24.

1241 May 24, FRANKFURT(-ON-MAIN) (Germany)
A Jewish boy preparing for baptism was persuaded by his parents to repent. As a result, local Christians attacked the Jews who fought back and a number of townspeople were killed. As the attack intensified and seeing no other option, the Jews set fire to their houses. The fire spread to the rest of the community,...
Az Újvilágba írt egyik legrégebbi levelet találták meg Nápolyban
... uralkod...
Ez történt - Május 27.-én
... increasingly scattered. The Italian Ariete Armored Division continued to meet stiff resistance from the Free French at Bir Hacheim, while the Italian Trieste Motorized Division further north, found itself grinding through minefields under heavy fire as a result of a navigation error.

1942: Japanese Combined Fleet lifts anchor and sets sail for Midway. On the same day, ...
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Címkék: Andy Warhol, Michael Ribalenko, Pavolachi Kr, Southeast Algeria, RISE OF KABBALAH, Jewish Philosophical Mysticism, York City, Start Point, Channel Coast, Operation Tiger, World Trad, Lost Then Found, James Stewart, World War II, Everyday Life, DAVID CAMDEN DE LEON, David Camden De Leon, Fighter Command, British Fighter Command, Gloster Gladiator&#8217, Fighter Squadrons, Coastal Command, Pécsi Vidámpark, Italian Ariete Armored Division, Free French, Italian Trieste Motorized Division, Japanese Combined Fleet, ritual murder, fotográfiákat május, fotózás könnyed, studio policeman, dragonfly which, very nice, nest softer, deeper planting, link ennyire, bugyuta reklám, volt vidámparkban, egykori Pécsi, egykor szebb, navigation error, characteristics, psychopathology, interpretation, nyilvánosságra, tanyakomplexum, intentionally, philosophical, hajléktalanok, concentration, fotográfiákat, napraforgóval, increasingly, investigated, persecutions, sorkatonaság, grandparents, scriptwriter, vidámparkban,
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