Weird recepies
... because of their close relationship to crabs and the like--favorite foods in many cuisines. Last night I was watching a show on a tribe of Amazonian Indians and lo and behold, they were trapping and cooking the big ol' spiders. And I do mean big. These guys were the size of blue crabs. I would guess that they're at least eight inches across the spread legs.

Ez történt - Szeptember 16.-án
... Lend-Lease material up to 26°W, which meant that clashes with U-boats would become more likely.

1941: Guderian's Panzer Group 2 and Kleist's Panzer Group 1 meet east of Kiev, trapping five Red Armies.

1941: The Shah of Iran abdicates and his s...
Petíció a ciprusi orvvadászat
... helyzet mielőbbi megoldása érdekében. A petíciót bárki aláírhatja a szervezet honlapján.


Ez történt - December 27.-én
... spearheaded by the 4th Armored Division, relieves the surrounded city of Bastogne in Belgium.

1944: The Russians capture Gran, this cutting all communications with Budapest and trapping five German and Hungarian divisions.

1944: British troops reach Foul Point in Arakan, Burma.

1945 December 27, BRITISH INTELLIGENCE OFFICES (Jerusalem and Jaffa)...
Ez történt - Január 24.-én
Január 24.

1436 January 24, AIX-EN-PROVENCE (France)
A riot ensued after a crowd felt that a Jew who insulted the Virgin Mary received too light a sentence.

1919. január 24. ,,A kozákok elleni polgárháború tapasztalatainak fényében el kell ismernünk, hogy csak egyetlen politikailag helyes lépésünk lehetséges, a könyörtelen harc, a tömeges terror a gazd...
Ez történt - Március 6. -án
Március 6.

415. március 6. Alexandriában a Szent Cirill püspök által fanatizált keresztény csőcselék meglincseli Hüpatiát. A szépsége és tudása miatt egyaránt csodált újplatonikus filozófusnő és matematikus a klasszikus görög filozófiához való hűségével vívta ki maga ellen az ortodox vallási erők haragját. (Cirill fogalmazta meg elsőként a zsidókkal szemben az "istengyil...
Ez történt - Április 9.-én
1941: The RAF attack Kiel in an attempt to knock out the port facilities.

1941: German forces capture Nis and Monastir in Yugoslavia. German tanks enter Thessalonika, trapping the Greek 2nd Army in the Metaxas line, forcing them to surrender.

1941: Rommel's forces take Bardia.

1942: The Germans make some limited advances towards their surr...
Ez történt - Május10.-én
... Partisans comes to an end, during which 5,000 civilians have been killed.

1945: The Fourteenth Army moves South in central Burma and links up with troops from Arakan in the west, trapping all Japanese to the west of the river Irrawaddy.

1945 May 10. Funeral Pyres of Nazidom. Views of Leipzig, Magdeburg and Nuremberg. Read more about it in the PastFinder Nu...
Ez történt - Június 12.-én
1942: Rommel, having now brought up tank reserves, could now muster 124 tanks against the 248 British tanks. He therefore attacked the British positions between Knightsbridge and El Adem, trapping much of the British armor.

1943: The RAF launches a heavy raid on Bochum in the Ruhr. The Luftwaffe carries out a night attack against Plymouth.

1943: King ...
Ez történt - Június 28.-án
... Research and Development (OSRD), which has just been created by President Roosevelt.

1941: Army Group Centre's Panzer Groups meet to the east of Minsk, capturing the city and trapping 27 Red Army divisions in a pocket to the west. Army Group South meets tougher than expected resistance in its drive through the southern Ukraine.

1941: Albania declares war on...
Ez történt - Július 3.-án
Július 3.

1187 July 3, GUY DE LUSIGNAN (King of Jerusalem) (Eretz Israel)
Against the advice of Raymond III of Tripoli and others, he force-marched his troops through the dry, hot Galilee. He was defeated by the Moslems near the Sea of Galilee (the Kinneret) at a site known as the Horns of Hittim.

1475 July 3, MESHULLAM CUSI (Italy)
Established t...
Növényekhez hasonlóan hasznosítja a fényt egy levéltetű
... ATP-t állítottak elő, amikor fén...
Ez történt - Szeptember 6.-án
... London' is proclaimed after 80 days of V1 bombardment with over 8,000 flying-bombs launched, with approximately 2,300 reaching London.

1944: The Canadians surround Calais, trapping the German garrison. Liege falls to British troops, while the U.S. First Army pushes East through Belgium, crossing Meuse. Ghent and Courtrai are liberated.

1944: The Russians oc...
Ez történt - Szeptember 16.-án
... Lend-Lease material up to 26°W, which meant that clashes with U-boats would become more likely.

1941: Guderian's Panzer Group 2 and Kleist's Panzer Group 1 meet east of Kiev, trapping five Red Armies.

1941: The Shah of Iran abdicates and his s...
Ez történt - December 27.-én
... spearheaded by the 4th Armored Division, relieves the surrounded city of Bastogne in Belgium.

1944: The Russians capture Gran, this cutting all communications with Budapest and trapping five German and Hungarian divisions.

1944: British troops reach Foul Point in Arakan, Burma.

1945 December 27, BRITISH INTELLIGENCE OFFICES (Jerusalem and Jaffa)...
Ez történt - Január 24.-én
... cave in a bamboo grove until Jan 24, 1972, when he was discovered near the Talofofo River by hunters and brought into a local police station with his hands bound with rope. He lived by trapping shrimp, fish, and rats and eating jungle vegetation. He had correctly calculated the time that had passed while in the jungle and knew that the year was 1972 when he was captured and was we...
Ez történt - Március 6. -án
... heads back to base. Enroute to Trondheim the Tirpitz is spotted and attacked by aircraft from HMS Victorious, but is not damaged.

1942: Japanese cut all roads north of Rangoon, trapping the British at Pegu.

1942: Japanese occupy Batavia in Java.

Reported to the Slovakian government that "the deportations mean...
Ez történt - Április 9.-én
1941: The RAF attack Kiel in an attempt to knock out the port facilities.

1941: German forces capture Nis and Monastir in Yugoslavia. German tanks enter Thessalonika, trapping the Greek 2nd Army in the Metaxas line, forcing them to surrender.

1941: Rommel's fo...
Ez történt - Május10.-én
... Partisans comes to an end, during which 5,000 civilians have been killed.

1945: The Fourteenth Army moves South in central Burma and links up with troops from Arakan in the west, trapping all Japanese to the west of the river Irrawaddy.

1945 May 10. Funeral Pyres of Nazidom. Views of Leipzig, Magdeburg and Nuremberg. Read more about it in the PastFinder Nu...
Ez történt - Június 12.-én
1942: Rommel, having now brought up tank reserves, could now muster 124 tanks against the 248 British tanks. He therefore attacked the British positions between Knightsbridge and El Adem, trapping much of the British armor.

1943: The RAF launches a heavy raid on...
1 2 
Címkék: Amazonian Indians, Panzer Group, CPRUS HIÁNYZÓ LÁTOGATÓI, Armored Division, Foul Point, BRITISH INTELLIGENCE OFFICES, Virgin Mary, Szent Cirill, Fourteenth Army, Funeral Pyres, PastFinder Nu, President Roosevelt, Army Group Centre, Panzer Groups, Army Group South, Eretz Israel, Raymond III, MESHULLAM CUSI, First Army, Talofofo River, SLOVAKIAN RABBIS, ciprusi orvvadászat, petíciót bárki, szervezet honlapján, riot ensued, crowd felt, kozákok elleni, könyörtelen harc, tömeges terror, klasszikus görög, ortodox vallási, zsidókkal szemben, heavy raid, night attack, site known, bamboo grove, local police, tapasztalatainak, communications, approximately, knightsbridge, alexandriában, relationship, thessalonika, intelligence, polgárháború, újplatonikus, politikailag, filozófiához, deportations, bombardment, spearheaded, orvvadászat, blogmilitar, növényekhez, hasznosítja, könyörtelen, development, meglincseli, filozófusnő, matematikus, established, fogalmazta, pastfinder, proclaimed, facilities, állítottak, szeptember, yugoslavia,
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