A magyar nyelv
... does no buckstering, and
doesn't give or take from anyone. This language is the oldest and most
glorious monument of national sovereignty and mental independence. What
scholars cannot solve, they ignore. In philology it's the same way as in
archeology. The floors of the old Egyptian temples, which were made our
of only one rock, can't be explained. No...
A magyar nyelv
... does no buckstering, and
doesn't give or take from anyone. This language is the oldest and most
glorious monument of national sovereignty and mental independence. What
scholars cannot solve, they ignore. In philology it's the same way as in
archeology. The floors of the old Egyptian temples, which were made our
of only one rock, can't be explained. No...
A magyar nyelv
... borrow, does no buckstering, and
doesn't give or take from anyone. This language is the oldest and most
glorious monument of national sovereignty and mental independence. What
scholars cannot solve, they ignore. In philology it's the same way as in
archeology. The floors of the old Egyptian temples, which were made our
of only one rock, can't be explained....
... internal enemies in check. Mátyás was one of the most learned rulers of his time - his library was famous throughout Europe. He ran a splendid court which was the envy of Europe visited by scholars and scientists from all over the continent. He died - probably at the hands of an assassin - at the age of 50, in 1490. He was the last great and powerful King of Hungary. The anarchy a...
Az Alapítvány a Holokauszt Fe
... Wednesday.

Ramin said arrest of Fredrick Gerald Toeben in early October 2008 in London airport for criticizing the nature and effects of Holocaust, has worried the world independent scholars and intellectuals.

Dr. Toeben is an independent researcher and thinker in the field of 'Contemporary History of Europe' and also is the member of 'International Fact-Find...
Imam Bukhari élerajza
... age of 16, he went to Macca with his mother and enjoyed his stay in the Holy City so much that he decided to prolong his visit in order to benefit from the company of the great Muslim scholars who were always to be found there. At the age of eighteen, he wrote his first book on the subject of the Prophet's Companions and their immediate successors, and later a book on history call...
Amire büszkék vagyunk...
... borrow, does no buckstering, and doesn't give or take
from anyone. This language is the oldest and most glorious monument of
national sovereignty and mental independence. What scholars cannot solve,
they ignore. In philology it's the same way as in archeology. The floors of the
old Egyptian temples, which were made our of only one rock, can't be
cigányságról sajnos
... cigány közösségnek is akarnia kell.
A Harlem Children's Zone oldala
Embassy of Hungary, Washington D. C.
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Megnézné a magyar cigányokat Harlem megszelidítője
Harlem Magyarországra költözik - a Huffington Post cikke
Amerikai segítséget kért romaügyben Bajnai
Nostradamus 243
WASHINGTON DC - USA - Scholars for the Smithsonian Institute have uncovered new interpretations that may relate to Barack Obama, the Illinois senator vying to become the next US president.

Professor Eugene Randell, Deputy Director of the Smithsonian Institution Archives has released information pertaining to the up and coming US elections.

The Institute which ...
A tudós
... gond...
A tudós
... filo...
A tudós
... köny...
A tudós
... kore...
Rembrandt. Two Scholars
by Matthew Arnold
... that wild brotherhood,
And came, as most men deemed, to little good,
But came to Oxford and his friends no more.

But once, years after, in the country lanes,
Two scholars, whom at college erst he knew,
Met him, and of his way of life enquired;
Whereat he answered, that the gypsy-crew,
His mates, had arts to rule as they desired
The wor...
Ez történt - Február 14. -én
... Idris allowed Jews to live in their own quarter in return for an annual tax. The city soon became a commercial center and schools of Jewish learning were established. One of its earliest scholars was Judah ibn Quraysh, a Semitic linguist and grammarian who was fluent in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic.

1130. február 14. A zsidó származású Pietro de Pierleoni bíborost II. An...
Ez történt - Március 10. -én
... Idris allowed Jews to live in their own quarter in return for an annual tax. The city soon became a commercial center and schools of Jewish learning were established. One of its earliest scholars was Judah ibn Quraysh, a Semitic linguist and grammarian who was fluent in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic.

1282 LONDON (England)
All synagogues were closed by order of the A...
Ez történt - Március 22. -én
... obtain their blood. In almost all cases it was linked to the baking of matzos for Passover - Christians alleged that blood was an essential ingredient in matzos. It was later presumed by scholars that the boy either died during a cataleptic fit or was killed by a sexual pervert. After Easter a synod convened and summoned the Jews to the Church court. The Jews refused on the ground...
Ez történt - Április 12.-én
... punishment. Natronai ben Nehemia (Gaon) urged the Jewish community to readmit their brethren into the fold. They eventually did so, though they were initially reluctant.

945 FOUR SCHOLARS (Egypt, North Africa, Spain)
Were captured by pirates while on a financial mission for the Sura Academy. They were ransomed at various ports, where they remained and continued te...
Ez történt - Június 6.-án
... Judaism in secret while paying lip service to the Church. They became known by the Christians as Marranos. The Jews never used the term Marrano themselves although some knew of it. Many scholars have speculated that the origins of the word stemmed from Latin, Arabic and even Hebrew, but in fact it was the Spanish term for pig or pork an expression of extreme disgust on the part of...
1 2 3 
Címkék: Holokauszt Fe, Imam Bukhari, Matthew Arnold, Fredrick Gerald Toeben, Contemporary History, International Fact-Find, Holy City, Harlem Children, Washington, Woodrow Wilson International Center, Harlem Magyarországra, Huffington Post, WASHINGTON DC, Smithsonian Institute, Barack Obama, Professor Eugene Randell, Deputy Director, Smithsonian Institution Archives, After Easter, FOUR SCHOLARS, North Africa, Sura Academy, magyar nyelv, splendid court, magyar cigányokat, commercial center, zsidó származású, sexual pervert, synod convened, financial mission, interpretations, megszelidítője, magyarországra, intellectuals, international, cigányságról, independence, contemporary, sovereignty, nostradamus, buckstering, independent, established, közösségnek, smithsonian, institution, information, brotherhood, criticizing, washington, huffington, archeology, commercial, grammarian, successors, holokauszt, researcher, themselves, romaügyben, alapítvány, ingredient, segítséget, pertaining, scientists, cataleptic, throughout, történelem,
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