Enya: The Celts ismertető
... revolt.

In 60 or 61, while governor Gaius Suetonius Paulinus was leading a campaign on the island of Anglesey in north Wales, Boudica led the Iceni, along with the Trinovantes and others, in a rebellion which destroyed the former Trinovantian capital and Roman colonia of Camulodunum (Colchester), and routed the Roman Legio IX Hispana under Quintus Petillius Cerialis. Bo...
English IQ test :)
... women were given the vote?
a. Belgium
b. Luxemburg
c. the Netherlands
d. Switzerland

8. In which of these European cities did Soviet tanks have to quell a rebellion in 1953?
a. East Berlin
b. Prague
c. Poznan
d. Budapest

9. What forced the Spanish King Alfonso XIII to leave the country and give up his throne in 1931...
AC/DC- Breaking The Rules
... the cool of the shade
The street jungle and the tough childhoods
Examinations done no good
Got crow bars and hot wired cars
Sneak thieves and cheap cigars
No rebellion not today
I get my kicks in my own way
Right ok
Just keep on breakin' the rules
C'mon get ready to rule
Just keep on breakin' the rules
C'mon get ready to rule|...
Házak várak különleges építmények 6.
... Greco

x16 /2011/08/Krumau-Town-Crescent-I-lEgo n...
Ac-dc - Breaking The Rules
... the cool of the shade
The street jungle and the tough childhoods
Examinations done no good
Got crow bars and hot wired cars
Sneak thieves and cheap cigars
No rebellion not today
I get my kicks in my own way
Right ok
Just keep on breakin' the rules
C'mon get ready to rule
Just keep on breakin' the rules
C'mon get ready to rule|...
Frank Zappa zenész
... részes Joe's Garage lemezen. A 70-es évek közepén a filozófiai elméletek és a zenekari mókák iránt tanúsított érdeklődését a zene fokozódó politikussága váltotta fel. A Tinseltown Rebellion és a You Are What You Is a fundamentalista jobboldal térnyeréséhez fűzött megjegyzéseket, s nem mellesleg olyan nagyszerű zenészek játékát élvezhetjük rajtuk, mint Ruth Underwood méltó ut...
Gamma Ray speed metal zenekar
... from the Past (2000)

* "Heaven Can Wait/Mr. Outlaw" (1989)
* "Who Do You Think You Are?" (1990)
* "Future Madhouse" (1993)
* "Rebellion in Dreamland" (1995)
* "Silent Miracles" (1996)
* "Valley of the Kings" (1997)
* "Heaven or Hell" (2001)

Videók és DVD-k
* Heading for the E...
Josh Freese dobos és dalszerző
... * Shawn Mullins - First Ten Years
* Static-X - Shadow Zone
* Sting - Live 8 Music Relief Concert DVD
* Suicidal Tendencies - Art of Rebellion
* Taxi Ride
* Tender Fury - If Anger Was Soul.....
* The Calling - Two
* The Daredevils - Hate You
* The Dwarves - Th...
Kezdődik a megszállás?
... public utility companies, even the airport of Budapest was sold to international gangsters who pay kickbacks to their local comrades.
The general population is at the point of open rebellion in larger and larger proportions. Average income and the standard of life is rapidly decreasing while taxes, prices and fees are increasing.

Even George Soros finds that the pl...
Meghalt J. D. Salinger
... Hemingway.

1940-től kezdve jelentek meg novellái különböző magazinokban (Colliers, Esquire, Saturday Evening Post), a tekintélyes New Yorker viszont csak 1946-ban adta ki Salinger Slight Rebellion off Madison című elbeszélését, ami korai változata a Zabhegyező egyik fejezetének (miután már 1941-ben egyszer...
Graham Greene
... Peter said, and then, worried at the sight of a face creased again by misery and foreboding, "Why don't you just stay in bed? I'll tell mother you felt too ill to get up." But such a rebellion against destiny was not in Francis's power. Besides, if he stayed in bed they would come up and tap his chest and put a thermometer in his mouth and look at his tongue, and they would discov...
Rothschild's Choice
... Democrat or Republican - is sworn in as President of the world's greatest superpower. The last U.S. president to violate this cardinal rule was Richard M. Nixon, whose spirited rebellion against America's Rothschild Jewish faction was short lived and tragic in its demise.

Barack Obama's mysterious emergence as a political superstar was no fluke, no fla...
Best of Mikola István
Best of Mikola István

2010.12.08. 17:32

A Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium ma megerősítette a hírt, hogy Mikola Istvánt hazánknak párizsi OECD-nagykövetének nevezik ki. Mivel jelenleg még a parlament Egészségügyi Bizottságának elnöke ez inkább az elegáns megbuktatásának tekinthető. Ennek akár még örülni is lehetne és jót élcelődni, hogy miért küldik k...
Fénysugár a kali-yugában
... elvesztettem volna az állásomat.

Ez a zaklatási és megfélemlítési kampány abból eredt, hogy 15 éves koromtól 20 éves koromig részt vettem az adózás elleni lázadásban (Tax Rebellion Movement). A kormány annyira rám szállt, hogy 18 éves koromban Arizonában az adórendőrség (Internal Revenue Service) ügynökei egy kisebb súlyú adózási kihágás miatt rám lőttek.

Ez történt - Január 16. -án
Január 16.

115 - 117 THE SECOND ROMAN REBELLION (Roman Empire) While Trajan (98-117) was busy fighting against the Armenians and Parthians, a revolt which was mainly led by Jews, broke out in Cyprus, Egypt, and Cyrene on the north coast of Africa. In Cyrene, it was led by a Jewish "king" called Lukuas, and in Cyprus by Artemion. In Eretz Israel violence flared in the Jer...
Rudyard Kipling
Rudyard Kipling

The American Rebellion

Twas not while England's sword unsheathed
Put half a world to flight,
Nor while their new-built cities breathed
Secure behind her might;
Not while she poured from Pole to Line
Treasure and ships and men--
Ez történt - Április 21.-én
... thousands Jews were killed during these three days.

1936 April 21, BEGINNING OF THE 36-39 RIOTS (ME'ORAOT) (Eretz Israel)
Arab headquarters called for a general strike and a rebellion against the Mandate in an effort to prevent Jewish immigration. Initially 80 Jews were murdered and 308 wounded. By the fall of '39, over a hundred Jews had been killed in Arab atta...
A magyar népek őstörténete 5
... (felügyelőnek) nevezte. Nála olvassuk: He that is now called a Prophet was beforetime called Seer, I Samuel IX 9. - Les prophétes considérent I'Institution royale comme point culminant de la rebellion humaine contre l' Eternel. 38m 60. - Les prophetes fulminent contre les cultes indolétriques et finissent se mettre en opposition ouverte contre I'autorité royale, 142m 132.
Ez történt - Szeptember 10.-én
... augusztus 9.; 1918. szeptember 5.; 1920. február 12.)

1941 September 10, 'WOMEN'S REBELLION' DUBOSSARY (Moldavia, Romania)
Broke out as the ghetto was being liquidated. The women demanded that they be allowed to die as families rather then the men being taken away on their...
Ez történt - Szeptember 19.-én
... lapban.

1939: First British casualty list published.

1939: The conclusion of the battle of the Vistula bend, with the Wehrmacht taking 170,000 prisoners. Germans suppress a Czech rebellion. Lavrenti Beria, chief of the Soviet NKVD, sets up a Directorate for Prisoners of War and establishes camps for the 240,000 Polish POWs in Soviet custody; about 37,000 wil...
1 2 3 4 
Címkék: English IQ, Breaking The Rules, Frank Zappa, Gamma Ray, Josh Freese, Meghalt, Graham Greene, Mikola István, Rudyard Kipling, Gaius Suetonius Paulinus, Roman Legio IX Hispana, Petillius Cerialis, East Berlin, Spanish King Alfonso XIII, Tinseltown Rebellion, What You Is, Ruth Underwood, Heaven Can Wait, Think You Are, Future Madhouse, Silent Miracles, Shawn Mullins, First Ten Years, Shadow Zone, Music Relief Concert DVD, Suicidal Tendencies, Taxi Ride, Tender Fury, Anger Was Soul&#8230, Hate You, Even George Soros, Saturday Evening Post, Salinger Slight Rebellion, Richard, Rothschild Jewish, Barack Obama&#8217, Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium, Mikola Istvánt, Egészségügyi Bizottságának, Rebellion Movement, Internal Revenue Service, SECOND ROMAN REBELLION, Roman Empire, While Trajan, Eretz Israel, American Rebellion, BEGINNING OF THE, Samuel IX, First British, Lavrenti Beria, Soviet NKVD, Polish POWs, magyar népek, rebellion which, 70-es évek, filozófiai elméletek, zenekari mókák, zene fokozódó,
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