Ez történt - Január 17. -én
Január 17.

Johanan ben Zaccai received permission from Vespasian to retire with the rabbinical leaders of his generation to Yabneh. There the foundation was laid, for the survival of the Jewish people in dispersed communities without a central Temple. Their proclamations included the replacement of sacrifices by charity, repentance, and the fixation...
Ez történt - Január 28. -án
... the charisma of his predecessor. He formulated free biblical study and interpretation, and tried to base Karaite law on the Bible. He also sought a less belligerent attitude towards rabbinical authorities and is credited in being the first to use the name Karaites or Bnai Mikra.

921 AARON BEN MEIR (Eretz Israel)
Leader and sage. He devised a change in the calenda...
Ez történt - Április 1.-én
... rather than slavery.

140 USHA (Eretz Israel)
After the disaster of the Bar Kochba revolt, the Lower Galilee replaced Yabneh as the center of talmudic learning and the Rabbinical Court (Sanhedrin) in Eretz Israel. Among the Tannaim studying there were Rabbi Meir, Rabbi Simeon b. Gamaliel, Rabbi Judah HaNasi and Rabbi Judah b. Ilai. One of their important contribut...
Ez történt - Április 7.-én
... Hecht the novelist and playwright, and convinced him to join in their efforts in Jewish nationalist affairs. Kook, who went under the name of Peter Bergson (so as not to involve his rabbinical relatives in Israel) was also active in the Irgun Zvai Leumi. His group, the American Friends for a Jewish Palestine was better known as the "Bergson Group", encountered vehement opposition ...
Ez történt - Május 6.-án
... the first surgeon general of the Confederate Army.

1872 May 6, SCHOOL FOR JEWISH LEARNING (Berlin, Germany)
A center for the scientific study of Judaism and a liberal rabbinical seminary was established. Also known as the Juedische Hochschule, it was formed by Ludwig Philipsson. He engaged such personalities as Abraham Geiger, David Cassel (history), and Israel L...
Ez történt - Május 13.-án
... 20.)

1559. május 13. Bázelben elégetik az eretneknek nyilvánított David Jorisz sírból kiásott tetemét.

1728 May 13, HAYIM AND JOSHUA REIZES (Lvov, Lithuania)
The head of the Rabbinical court and head of the yeshiva were arrested when a Jesuit priest, Zoltowskiki, discovered that Jan Filipowicz, a convert, had reconverted to Judaism and accused them of ...
Ez történt - Május 29.-én
... Iberian peninsula.

1554 May 29, POPE JULIUS III
After an appeal by Jews in Catholic countries, the Pope agreed only to allow the burning of the Talmud, but not "harmless rabbinical writings".

1938. május 29. A magyar parlament elfogadja a XV. törvénycikket a ,,társadalmi és gazdasági élet egyensúlyának biztosításáról", amely korlátozza a z...
Ez történt - Június 1.-én
... Jewish proclamations.

140 USHA (Eretz Israel)
After the disaster of the Bar Kochba revolt, the Lower Galilee replaced Yabneh as the center of talmudic learning and the Rabbinical Court (Sanhedrin) in Eretz Israel. Among the Tannaim studying there were Rabbi Meir, Rabbi Simeon b. Gamaliel, Rabbi Judah HaNasi and Rabbi Judah b. Ilai. One of their important contribu...
Rabbik és EU-s vezetők készül
Rabbik és EU-s vezetők készülnek együtt rettegni Brüsszelben

Jelentős esemény színhelye lesz hétfőn az Európai Unió legfőbb intézményeinek helyet adó belga főváros: a Rabbinical Centre of Europe (RCE) elnevezésű, nyilvánvalóan súlyos megkülönböztetést és üldöztetést elszenvedő szervezet konferenciát rendez az Európai Parlament székhelyén. A megvitatandó témánál fon...
Ez történt - Július 4.-én
Július 4.

925 July 4, ORIA (Italy)
Was raided by Moslems as part of their attacks on Italy. Ten rabbinical leaders were killed and many others were taken into captivity, including 12 year old Shabbetai Donnolo, later to achieve fame as a physician (see 913).

1356. július 4. IV. Ince pápa szemrehányással illeti Nagy Lajos magyar királyt, mert ígérete ell...
Ez történt - Augusztus 1.-én
... the Jews to divine intervention.

1038 (20 Nissan 4795) DEATH OF HAI GAON (Pumbedita, Babylon)
Marked the end of the Geonic period. It also ended because the spread of rabbinical authority throughout Europe and North Africa meant that there was no longer just one center for Jewish thought. Hai Gaon wrote over 100 responsa as well as a civil law codification of the...
Ez történt - December 9.-én
December 9.

1666 December 9, EXCOMMUNICATION OF NATHAN OF GAZA (Constantinople)
Shabbetai Zevi's foremost "prophet" was excommunicated by the rabbinical council in Constantinople.

1804. december 9. A Belorussziában és a nyugati kormányzóságokban ismétlődő éhínségek okának tisztázására és a megoldási módok előterjesztésére a helyszínre küldött G. R. Gye...
Ez történt - Január 28.-án
... the charisma of his predecessor. He formulated free biblical study and interpretation, and tried to base Karaite law on the Bible. He also sought a less belligerent attitude towards rabbinical authorities and is credited in being the first to use the name Karaites or Bnai Mikra.

921 AARON BEN MEIR (Eretz Israel)
Leader and sage. He devised a change in the calenda...
Ez történt - Április 1.-én
... rather than slavery.

140 USHA (Eretz Israel)
After the disaster of the Bar Kochba revolt, the Lower Galilee replaced Yabneh as the center of talmudic learning and the Rabbinical Court (Sanhedrin) in Eretz Israel. Among the Tannaim studying there were Rabbi Meir, Rabbi Simeon b. Gamaliel, Rabbi Judah HaNasi and Rabbi Judah b. Ilai. One of their important contribut...
Ez történt - Április 7.-én
... Hecht the novelist and playwright, and convinced him to join in their efforts in Jewish nationalist affairs. Kook, who went under the name of Peter Bergson (so as not to involve his rabbinical relatives in Israel) was also active in the Irgun Zvai Leumi. His group, the American Friends for a Jewish Palestine was better known as the "Bergson Group", encountered vehement opposition ...
Ez történt - Május 6.-án
... the first surgeon general of the Confederate Army.

1872 May 6, SCHOOL FOR JEWISH LEARNING (Berlin, Germany)
A center for the scientific study of Judaism and a liberal rabbinical seminary was established. Also known as the Juedische Hochschule, it was formed by Ludwig Philipsson. He engaged such personalities as Abraham Geiger, David Cassel (history), and Israel L...
Ez történt - Május 13.-án
... 20.)

1559. május 13. Bázelben elégetik az eretneknek nyilvánított David Jorisz sírból kiásott tetemét.

1728 May 13, HAYIM AND JOSHUA REIZES (Lvov, Lithuania)
The head of the Rabbinical court and head of the yeshiva were arrested when a Jesuit priest, Zoltowskiki, discovered that Jan Filipowicz, a convert, had reconverted to Judaism and accused them of c...
Ez történt - Május 29.-én
... Iberian peninsula.

1554 May 29, POPE JULIUS III
After an appeal by Jews in Catholic countries, the Pope agreed only to allow the burning of the Talmud, but not "harmless rabbinical writings".

1938. május 29. A magyar parlament elfogadja a XV. törvénycikket a ,,társadalmi és gazdasági élet egyensúlyának biztosításáról", amely korlátozza a zsidók lehető...
Ez történt - Június 1.-én
... Jewish proclamations.

140 USHA (Eretz Israel)
After the disaster of the Bar Kochba revolt, the Lower Galilee replaced Yabneh as the center of talmudic learning and the Rabbinical Court (Sanhedrin) in Eretz Israel. Among the Tannaim studying there were Rabbi Meir, Rabbi Simeon b. Gamaliel, Rabbi Judah HaNasi and Rabbi Judah b. Ilai. One of their important contribu...
Ez történt - Július 1.-én
... Universelle. It was soon imitated in Germany in the form of the Lifaverein der Dutchen Juden.

1888 A.D. -- At Breslau in July, a crime was committed by Max Bernstein, a 24-year-old Rabbinical candidate at the Talmudic college, against a 7-year-old boy, Severin Hacke, whom Bernstein had enticed into his room. Bernstein withdrew blood from the boy's sex organ. After the ...
1 2 
Címkék: ERETZ ISRAEL, Bnai Mikra, AARON BEN MEIR, Eretz Israel, Lower Galilee, Rabbinical Court, Rabbi Meir, Rabbi Simeon, Rabbi Judah HaNasi, Rabbi Judah, Peter Bergson, Irgun Zvai Leumi, American Friends, Jewish Palestine, Bergson Group, Confederate Army, SCHOOL FOR JEWISH LEARNING, Juedische Hochschule, Ludwig Philipsson, Abraham Geiger, David Cassel, Israel, David Jorisz, HAYIM AND JOSHUA REIZES, POPE JULIUS III, Európai Unió, Rabbinical Centre, Európai Parlament, Shabbetai Donnolo, Nagy Lajos, DEATH OF HAI GAON, North Africa, EXCOMMUNICATION OF NATHAN OF GAZA, Shabbetai Zevi, Dutchen Juden, Severin Hacke, central Temple, less belligerent, liberal rabbinical, eretneknek nyilvánított, magyar parlament, megvitatandó témánál, nyugati kormányzóságokban, megoldási módok, helyszínre küldött, zsidók lehető, 24-year-old Rabbinical, előterjesztésére, excommunication, szemrehányással, excommunicated, interpretation, constantinople, belorussziában, biztosításáról, intézményeinek, proclamations, personalities, nyilvánvalóan,
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