Ez történt - Szeptember 16.-án
... discussion by the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees - which according to officials was tantamount to "tossing it in the waste paper basket".

1943: The Black Sea port of Novorossiysk is captured by the Russians after a week of amphibious and land operations.

Western Cartridge Company Ad - September 1943

Ez történt - Január 24.-én
... more than 250 miles to the West of Stalingrad. Hitler orders no surrender in Stalingrad. The offensive by the Soviet Trans-Caucasian Front toward the Kuban bridgehead is stopped at Novorossiysk and Krasnodar.

1943: Fighting in Papua is officially reported as over.

1943: President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill concluded a wartime conference ...
Ez történt - Február 4.-én
... 1943

1943: Red Army troops achieve a landing near the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk.

1944: The Germans start their offensive to relieve the Korsun pocket.

Vinco Ad - February 1944

Ez történt - Április 29.-én
... rescue our State Department and the British Foreign Office. Victims are not being rescued because the democracies don't want them."

1943: A series of minor attacks in near Novorossiysk drive the Germans back slowly.

1943: U-boats begin a six-day attack on Convoy ONS5, during which 13 allied ships are finally sunk for the loss of six U-boats.

Ez történt - Szeptember 6.-án

1942: The 4th Gebirgsjäger division of the 17th Army captures the Black Sea naval base of Novorossiysk, while six Axis divisions cross the Straits of Kerch to Taman. Heavy house-to-house fighting continues in the centre of Stalingrad.

1942: Rommel i...
Ez történt - Szeptember 10.-én
... Hitler warns his enemies that getting rid of him will not be nearly so simple.

1943: Soviet marines supported by naval units of the Red Fleet recapture the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk.

1943: German troops occupy Rome and disarm all Italian troops in Italy and Greece.

Electric Boat Company Ad - September 1944

Ez történt - Szeptember 16.-án
... discussion by the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees - which according to officials was tantamount to "tossing it in the waste paper basket".

1943: The Black Sea port of Novorossiysk is captured by the Russians after a week of amphibious and land operations.

Western Cartridge Company Ad - September 1943

Ez történt - Január 24.-én
... more than 250 miles to the West of Stalingrad. Hitler orders no surrender in Stalingrad. The offensive by the Soviet Trans-Caucasian Front toward the Kuban bridgehead is stopped at Novorossiysk and Krasnodar.

1943: Fighting in Papua is officially reported as over.

1943: President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill concluded a wartime conference ...
Ez történt - Február 4.-én
... 1943

1943: Red Army troops achieve a landing near the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk.

1944: The Germans start their offensive to relieve the Korsun pocket.

Vinco Ad - February 1944

Ez történt - Április 18.-án
... 1943

1943: The German 17th Army begins its attacks to eliminate the Russian beachhead at Novorossiysk, but fails and gives up on the 23rd April.

1943: U.S. code breakers pinpoint the locati...
Ez történt - Április 29.-én
... rescue our State Department and the British Foreign Office. Victims are not being rescued because the democracies don't want them."

1943: A series of minor attacks in near Novorossiysk drive the Germans back slowly.

1943: U-boats begin a six-day attack on Convoy ONS5, during which 13 allied ships are finally sunk for the loss of six U-boats.

Ez történt - Szeptember 6.-án

1942: The 4th Gebirgsjäger division of the 17th Army captures the Black Sea naval base of Novorossiysk, while six Axis divisions cross the Straits of Kerch to Taman. Heavy house-to-house fighting continues in the centre of Stalingrad.

1942: Rommel i...
Ez történt - Szeptember 10.-én
... Hitler warns his enemies that getting rid of him will not be nearly so simple.

1943: Soviet marines supported by naval units of the Red Fleet recapture the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk.

1943: German troops occupy Rome and disarm all Italian troops in Italy and Greece.

Electric Boat Company Ad - September 1944

Ez történt - Szeptember 10.-én
... Hitler warns his enemies that getting rid of him will not be nearly so simple.

1943: Soviet marines supported by naval units of the Red Fleet recapture the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk.

1943: German troops occupy Rome and disarm all Italian troops in Italy and Greece.

Electric Boat Company Ad - September 1944

Ez történt - Szeptember 16.-án
... discussion by the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees - which according to officials was tantamount to "tossing it in the waste paper basket".

1943: The Black Sea port of Novorossiysk is captured by the Russians after a week of amphibious and land operations.

Western Cartridge Company Ad - September 1943

Ez történt - Szeptember 16- án
Ez történt - Szeptember 16.-án

Szeptember 16.

253. szeptember 16. Meghal Szent Cornélius pápa. A katolikus egyház szerint lefejezték, és ezért az egyház mártírrá avatta, valójában természetes halállal halt meg, akárcsak elődje, Szent Fabianus pápa, akit az egyház szintén mártírrá nyilvánított, szintén hamisan. A katolikus egyház a hamisítások legrége...
Ez történt ma
... more than 250 miles to the West of Stalingrad. Hitler orders no surrender in Stalingrad. The offensive by the Soviet Trans-Caucasian Front toward the Kuban bridgehead is stopped at Novorossiysk and Krasnodar.

1943: Fighting in Papua is officially reported as over.

1943: President Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill concluded a wartime conference ...
Címkék: Intergovernmental Committee, Black Sea, Western Cartridge Company Ad, Soviet Trans-Caucasian Front, President Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Churchill, Vinco Ad, State Department, British Foreign Office, Convoy ONS5, Electric Boat Company Ad, Meghal Szent Cornélius, Szent Fabianus, wartime conference, landing near, six-day attack, katolikus egyház, egyház mártírrá, egyház szintén, hamisítások legrége, novorossiysk, nyilvánított, democracies, természetes, hamisítások, officially, szeptember, conference, stalingrad, amphibious, tantamount, discussion, operations, bridgehead, lefejezték, renditions, department, recapture, krasnodar, valójában, caucasian, churchill, cartridge, photoshop, divisions, cornélius, concluded, president, katolikus, september, surrender, supported, continues, officials, according, offensive, roosevelt, beachhead, committee, eliminate, refugees, reported, accounts, minister, captured, electric, division, captures, pinpoint, gebirgsj, february,
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