Weird recepies
... chlorophyll-rich. They taste great with just about any summer vegetable, but my favorite recipe draws inspiration from the cuisine of the Whistle Stop Cafe, that fictitious Alabama diner made famous by novelist Fanny Flagg.

"You'll think you died and gone to heaven," boasts Flagg of her recipe. To which I add, "If you do go to heaven, ask the Powers That Be to keep the...
Darren Hayes
... darkness
Covered in darkness
Ever wonder why I never really truly connect
Although my eyes are open
I can hold your gaze
But I am never connected
Never connected
I am famous for my generosity
They say I am the kindest
But it is easier to
Give than receive love (2x)
It doesn't really matter where it all began...
... for some time in a museum.


Thousands of dragon stories and pictures can be found in ancient Chinese books and art. One interesting legend tells about a famous Chinese man named Yu. After the great world flood, Yu surveyed the land of body. The skeletons of a number of ancient reptile-like creatures have similarities to this basic description....
... verse
Of a sparrow´s carol
Dreaming the stars

Be my heart a well of love
Flowing free so far above

In my world
Gravitation: Lyrics of Love
... not going to complain. Someday, though, I'd like to see an anime about a rock band with an original soundtrack killer enough to believe the story I'm watching. (Try out the movie ALMOST FAMOUS if you want to see what I'm talking about.)
Unlike most of the shonen-ai titles I've seen, Gravitation gets a bit more graphic in the area of sexuality. Yes, the more suggestive scenes ...
Pain of Salvation: Disco Queen
... pulling out
A finished dish upon my plate is what it's all about

A square round of greed
You surrendered to the rhythm, spinning around your hole
Disco made you famous but tonight you tasted soul

I pumped you till you cried - felt so alive
I cranked you up and switched to 45
You are just begging for more
But I unlock the door (to...
Fergie: Glamorous
... clue what to do with us,
I've got enough money in the bank for the two of us,
Brother gotta keep enough lettuce to support your shoe fetish lifestyle,
Lifestyles so rich and famous, Robin Leach will get jealous.
Half a milion fo the stones, takin trips from here to Rome,
So if ain't got no money, take yo' broke ass home

G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S (yeah) ...
Figyelmébe ajánljuk a Magyar F
... Zsolt,

Supporters: Dr. Deák Ernő, Schmitt Pál, Tabajdi Csaba

We require a short essay from the participants.
The subject of the essay should be â01EFamous personality from my home
country who lived and worked in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchyâ01D. In your
letter please indicate your name,region, address, place and date of b...
Magyar dalok angolul.:-))


Quick fox legs,
Fasten going shadows,
Hip-hop, coming VUK.

Famous big hunters,
You guys better back off,
Hip-hop, coming VUK.

He is never scared in the dark night,
Although the big forest is full of bad guys,
Everybody is saying he is a tricky foxy, ...
... Brazil, Austria, Switzerland, Greece & Hungary.

In terms of vocal training, Tarja started this ongoing journey at the age of six, and in due course she was accepted at the world famous Music University, the Sibelius Academy in Kuopio. It was here that she developed what has genuinely become a signature style, achieving an emotional connection with the listener that tran...
Drezda 1945
... ,,győzelmet" a hullákkal borított csatatereken tartott fáklyásmenettel ünnepelték.


Részlet Benjamin Colby: ‘Twas a famous victory - Deception and Propaganda

in the War with Germany, Arlington House Publishers, 1974. USA.

A gyér német ellenállás Roosevelt ,,feltételnélküli mega...
Instant pasi

Mae West az 1920-as évek amerikai filmsztárja ( elsősorban némafilm) volt , ezen kívül szex szimbólumként és femme fatale-ként is emlegették. Az akkori divat szerint lenyalt haj, hajszálvékony szemöldök és túlhangsúlyozott szem-száj.
Mindenesetre nem lehetett halvérű nő, nem s...
Amanda Lear

Amanda Lear édesapja francia-angol, édesanyja orosz származású. A gyermek Amanda Franciaországban és Svájcban nevelkedett. Mire nagykorú lett, az angol és a francia mellett perfekt elsajátította a német, az olasz é...
film kocka
... a nevét, maga a logója is a csillagkép. 1978-ban alapította öt, United Artists-ból kivált vezető.

* Paramount Pictures - A magyar származású Adolf Zukor alapította a Famous Players Film Company átszervezésével.

* Tri-Star Pictures - A CBS Televízió, a Home Box Office (HBO) és a Columbia Pictures hozta létre 1982-ben. Ma a Tri-Star a Sony P...
Drezda lángokban
Drezda lángokban

Részlet Benjamin Colby: ‘Twas a famous victory - Deception and Propaganda

in the War with Germany, Arlington House Publishers, 1974. USA.

A gyér német ellenállás Roosevelt ,,feltételnélküli megadási" rendelete miatt lett utolsó kétségbeesett erőfeszítéssé. Roosevelt, Sztálin és Churchill már Jaltában v...
Oly közel...
... goodbye and never knew
So close was waiting, waiting here with you
And now forever I know
All that I wanted to hold you

So close

So close to reaching that famous happy end
Almost believing this was not pretend
And now you're beside me and look how far we've come
So far we are so close

How could I face the f...
Happy end?
... We're so close to reaching that famous happy end

Istenem, de izgulok a ma délután miatt... basszuuuuuus... szidjatok!

Tavsan ...
Hilary naplója
... devoted. They are the reason I have such a good time performing. One amazing place where I gave a concert was a city right on the Mediterranean Sea called Valencia. Valencia is in Spain and famous for its beaches and paella (which is a dish with rice and seafood). We ordered a big dish of it to share. It was delicious! Below is a picture of me in Amsterdam. Amsterdam is so cute wi...
Lady Diana
... hercegnő és szeretője Dodi al Fayed nem baleset áldozatai lettek az Alma alagútban 1997. augusztus 31-én.

Ezen a napon történt
... akkoriban példátlanul hosszú (kétezer méteres) filmfelvétellel meghódítsa a közönséget. Az előadás elsöprő sikert aratott. Zukor még abban az évben megalakította a Paramount Pictures elődjét, a Famous Players Pictures in Famous Plays Company-t (Híres színészek híres darabokban Rt.). 1914-ben már évi harminc film készítésére képes csoportot verbuvált, s a Broadwayn megnyílt 3500 sz...
1 2 3 ...15 16 ..23 24 ..29 30 31 
Címkék: Darren Hayes, Magyar, Amanda Lear, Lady Diana, Whistle Stop Cafe, Fanny Flagg, Powers That Be, ALMOST FAMOUS, Robin Leach, Deák Ernő, Schmitt Pál, Tabajdi Csaba, Austro-Hungarian Monarchyâ01D, MAGYAR DALOK ANGOLUL, Music University, Sibelius Academy, Részlet Benjamin Colby, Arlington House Publishers, Amanda Franciaországban, United Artists-ból, Paramount Pictures, Adolf Zukor, Famous Players Film Company, Tri-Star Pictures, Home Box Office, Columbia Pictures, Sony, Mediterranean Sea, Famous Players Pictures, Famous Plays Company-t, napon történt, famous Chinese, sparrow´s carol, rock band, finished dish, square round, short essay, tricky foxy, signature style, hullákkal borított, famous victory, gyér német, 1920-as évek, akkori divat, gyermek Amanda, francia mellett, magyar származású, good time, city right, dish with, előadás elsöprő, évben megalakította, franciaországban, túlhangsúlyozott, filmfelvétellel, feltételnélküli, fáklyásmenettel, átszervezésével, elsajátította, international, hajszálvékony,
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