... hand to unhappiness to dure money cannot buy happiness, just.

The life a short ahoz that average be!
It is better for a moment being a turnback, than we have it lived to a casualty to her end.

I believe the sex is better, as logic, I can not prove just.

Fight shy of hangover stay an intoxicated.

Photocopy your life if you lose, if g...
Orlando Bloom
... költözött, hogy csatlakozzon a National Youth Theatre-höz, ahol két évet töltött el.
Ösztöndíjat nyert a Brit-Amerikai Dráma Akadémiára, majd kisebb szerepeket kapott az angol Casualty és a London's Burning című tévéshow-kban.
1998-ban súlyos balesete történt kiesett az egyik barátja teraszáról, s 3 métert zuhant.
Az orvosai nem sok esélyt láttak arra,...
Cher — Dangerous Times
... fools
Waiting for their hearts to be broken
How do I know
If I'm gonna explode
When I come out in the open
'Cause even lovers can turn into enemies
I don't wanna be a casualty

These are dangerous times
And if I take some chances
Put my heart on the line
What would you do to me
If I give myself up
To these circumstan...
1960 - Hopalong Casualty
...1960-ból az egyik rész ,sajnos a másik nagyon rossz minőségű így azt nem tettem fel! r|50b4247ef5c14c17f2b4d7e128e4631c...
Ez történt - Szeptember 19.-én
... többiekhez egy szavunk sincs. Pusztulniuk kell!", jelenti ki a Zinovjev, a bolsevik párt egyik zsidó származású vezére a Szevernaja Kommuna című lapban.

1939: First British casualty list published.

1939: The conclusion of the battle of the Vistula bend, with the Wehrmacht taking 170,000 prisoners. Germans suppress a Czech rebellion. Lavrenti Beria, chi...
Ez történt - Október 30.-án
... bejeesus out of a Japanese soldier with a jack-o-lantern on the end of an M-1 rifle.)

1940: British civilian casualty figures announced for October: 6,334 killed and 8,695 seriously injured.

1940: British troops occupy Canea in Crete. Italians claim advance towards Salonika in Greece.
Ez történt - November 24.-én
... possible imminence of war.

1942: Laval sets up Phalange Africaine, to fight allies in Africa.

1943: Berlin reported as a ‘sea of flames' this morning with casualty estimates put at between 8-10,000 killed.

American Locomotive Ad - November 1942

Ez történt - November 28.-án
... Bonds. Treacher, who has made a career of playing the perfect butler, will work as a butler at an occasion of the winner's choosing.

1945: The official Hiroshima and Nagasaki casualty figures are announced as between 110,000 and 165,00 dead.

2001. november 28. Az egyházaknak az EU politikai-törvényhozási folyamataiba történő beavatkozásának szentelt szeminári...
Ez történt - November 30.-án
... capitals excellent air defense system. Stalin alleges provocation.

1935: Non-belief in Nazism is proclaimed grounds for divorce in Germany.

1940: British civilian casualty figures for November: 4,588 killed, 6,202 injured.

1941: Near Riga, a mass shooting of Latvian and German Jews.

1941: Japan finally resolves itself to attack the USA, ...
Ez történt - Január 4.-én

1944: The Germans announce the mobilization of school children for war work.

1945: The USA issue's its casualty figures to the 21st December 1944 as 135,323 killed, 362,824 wounded, 75,844 missi...
Ez történt - Január 31.-én
... lesz rajta és megöli magát.

1940: Sir John Simon announces food subsidies are running at £1,000,000 per week.

1941: January's civilian casualty figures are 1,500 killed and 2,012 injured.

1941: The new recruits of the ‘Nordland' Regiment give their oath to SS Reichsführer Himmler in Oslo.

1941: T...
Ez történt - Február 28. -án
... Isthmus.

1941: Vichy France reduces bread ration from 350g to 280g.

1941: British monthly civilian casualty figures tally at 789 killed and 1068 injured.

1941: British Commando's, having been left to hold Castelorizzo without out Naval support or reinforcement, are forced to evacuate w...
Ez történt - Április 10.-én
... France.

1944: The Russians enter Odessa on Black Sea as German forces withdraw from the city to the west bank of the Dniester river.

1945: Churchill reveals British Empire casualty figures up to this point as 306,984 killed. Total casualties are 1,126,802, merchant navy losing 34,161 dead or captured. Civilians casualties are 59,793 killed and 84,749 injure...
Ez történt - Április 30.-án
Április 30.

1563. április 30. IX. Károly király rendeletére kiűzik a zsidókat Franciaországból.

1806. április 30. ,,A zsidókkal sajátságos népként kell bánnunk. Államot alkotnak az államban. (...) A zsidók a modern kor rablómesterei, az emberiség dögkeselyűi... Politikai, nem pedig emberi igazságot kell velük szemben érvényesíteni", mondja Napóleon az Államtan...
Ez történt - Június 28.-án
... resistance of the I and II SS Panzer Korps.

1944: The Russians take Mogilev and cross the Berezina river surrounding most of German Ninth Army.

1945: The Japanese casualty figures on Luzon are 113,593 killed and U.S. loses are just 3,793.

1967. június 28. A Legfelsőbb Bíróság jogerős döntést hirdet az ún. zuglói nyilasperben, és halálra ítéli Kr...
Ez történt - Július 2.-án
... sunk by U-47 off the west coast of Ireland, with many casualties.

1940: Hitler orders preparation of 'Operation Sealion' the plan for the invasion of Britain. Germans issue casualty figures for French campaign: 17,000 killed and 1,900,000 French prisoners claimed. August Bank holiday canceled in Britain.

1941: The RAF carries out night raids on Bremen and C...
Ez történt - Július 20.-án
... Act'. This was the first step in preparing America for war against either Germany or Japan, or both.

1940: British claim 40 Luftwaffe planes down in a week; British civilian casualty figures for last month announced: 336 killed, 476 seriously injured.

Ez történt - Augusztus 8.-án
... Channel convoys and its escorts, with heavy air battles occurring over the Channel. The Germans lose 31 aircraft against the RAF's 16. The Home Secretary announces July civilian air raid casualty figures as 258 killed and 320 seriously injured.

1940: British forces pay increased by 6d per day; privates' pay up to 17s 6d a week.

1940: Romania introduces anti...
Ez történt - Augusztus 23.-án
... Aguijan Island, Northern Mariana Islands.

1945: The Japanese in Burma say they are now ready to surrender having 'clarified the position'.

1945: The Japanese official casualty figures from air raids including A-bombs are 260,000 killed, 412,000 injured, 9.2 million homeless, along with 44 cities being completely wiped out.

1993. augusztus 23. Ke...
Ez történt - Szeptember 5.-én
... night raids on Berlin, causing many civilian casualties. Air raids continue over Southeast England with a hospital in Kent being hit, killing 23 patients and two nurses. August civilian casualty figures announced at 1,075 killed and 1.261 seriously injured.

1941: British release General Dentz, after Vichy releases British POWs in Syria.

North American Aviat...
1 2 3 
Címkék: Orlando Bloom, Dangerous Times, Hopalong Casualty, National Youth Theatre-höz, Amerikai Dráma Akadémiára, When, Szevernaja Kommuna, First British, Lavrenti Beria, Phalange Africaine, American Locomotive Ad, Near Riga, German Jews, John Simon, Reichsführer Himmler, Vichy France, British Commando, Black Sea, British Empire, Panzer Korps, German Ninth Army, Legfelsőbb Bíróság, Operation Sealion, August Bank, Home Secretary, Aguijan Island, Northern Mariana Islands, Southeast England, General Dentz, British POWs, North American Aviat, short ahoz, moment being, angol Casualty, egyik barátja, egyik rész, másik nagyon, szavunk sincs, bolsevik párt, mass shooting, zsidókat Franciaországból, zsidókkal sajátságos, emberiség dögkeselyűi, franciaországból, beavatkozásának, rablómesterei, törvényhozási, érvényesíteni, reinforcement, folyamataiba, reichsführer, nyilasperben, mobilization, csatlakozzon, castelorizzo, felbersandor, pusztulniuk, surrounding, dögkeselyűi, skylighters, provocation, unhappiness, preparation, egyházaknak,
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